We finally arrived at Glasgow Queen Street Station. It was windy inside...or that's what you might believe from this photo. Sean hasn't been able to stand straight since our WHW trip.
I called Lucy G. and she said that she was stuck in traffic. This gave us some more opportunity to take some photos. Well, it afforded ME the opportunity to take photos because Sean's camera was still lacking power. Both Sean and I found our own gems. First, Sean's.
"Go pose over there, I'll take an awesome photo!" Sean exclaimed with much glee in his voice.
"Wha?" I asked.
"Just pose over by that coffee shop! It's going to be awesome!"
"Uhm. Ok. Freak."
He snapped the photo of me.
As you can tell, I'm only in about 10% of that picture. He really only wanted to get a picture of Scott, Christopher Lloyd's cousin that just got beat up by WHO DO YOU THINK? THE LIBYANS!
The next one is my gem. Where does Superman go to the restroom? BAM! We found it. And if we were super enough, we too (for 20p) could use the same exact toilet. Too bad we only had pound coins.
My phone rang. It was Lucy G. telling us that we needed to get out there quick because she was parked illegally (again). She was at the car park entrance trying to actually park legally. Unfortunately, there weren't any available spaces. She told us that a voice from the little box was shouting at her to move. Lucy G. tried to reason with her that since the car park is full, nobody would be coming in except for her when she saw someone leaving. The voice disagreed. Many times. We came out just in time and the voice was ignored as we loaded our packs into the spacious Polo. Off we went for showers and shopping! By shopping I mean eating. That's all I bought. Sean, however bought many more things.
In case you're wondering what Lucy G. looks like when she drives, look below. I like to tell people she's flipping the 'V' to everyone in her way. She might have been pointing out some places of interest. LIKE THAT GUY THAT JUST EFFING CUT HER OFF!
Back at Lucy G's parent's house we showered and I borrowed some socks. I thought I had brought an extra pair for our fun day after the hike. Thankfully Scott (Lucy G's dad) had some socks I could borrow.
Awesome. I was all set. Thanks Scott (and Lucy G.). As I turned to my right I was taken back by the view. The place is called Castle Semple. Apparently it used to be some kind of estate that was sold off in bits. Lucy G. grew up in this house. She told us how she used to come home from school every day and play on the power lines as a kid. That's a lie, she only did that on the weekends.
After we dolled ourselves up, we all went to Glasgow. By we I mean Lucy G., Sean and I. The first thing I saw:
I could tell this was going to be a good day. Lucy G. made sure to bring her best walking shoes. I think they were canvas shoes. Highly effective in the rain I might add. Our first stop was to get Sean a kilt. I'll end there. I'm getting pressured by certain people to update. They're threatening my life so I'll put the rest of it up at a later time.
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